Thursday 29 May 2014

Installing Python, pip, Pyglet and OpenGL

I made the slight mistake of assuming that everyone would have Python and the various libraries installed before starting - or at least know how to get them, completely forgetting of course that I had no idea how to do any of this either!

So firstly go to the Python site, download and install python. I would recommend getting Python3 if you have the choice (although the difference won't make much difference for these tutorials). Just be aware if you're planning on using lots of old libraries or Pygame that you will likely want Python2 instead. Run the installer and, if you see the option, choose to update the system Path variable. (If not don't worry we will solve that later).

Next we're going to get python and pip running from the command line. Why? It will make it far easier to install any other external libraries you might want to use in the future - such as matplotlib, numpy, pyglet, ipython or sympy (all of which I'll use a lot in other tutorials!).  So open a command line (or terminal if you're on a Unix system), type 'python', hit enter and see what happens! If you're on windows, to launch the command prompt, click the windows icon on the bottom left corner of the screen, then type 'cmd' in the search box and hit enter. If you're on OSX go to launchpad in the doc -> Other/Utilities -> Terminal. If you're on linux i'll assume you can either do it already or can google it :p

If the command prompt has changed from a dollar symbol to these: >>> then congratulations! Skip the next bit and go straight to the Installing Pyglet section below (type exit() and hit enter to get rid of the >>> symbols and go back to the normal $ prompt). If instead you got 'python is not a recognised command' then follow the instructions below. (it just means that whilst you have python installed your computer doesn't know where to run it from - we can fix that!)


Open an new windows explorer window, navigate to your desktop, right click on 'My Computer', choose 'properties', then Advanced System Settings on the left hand side. The click the Environmental Variables button, and from the bottom list scroll down until you find a line called 'Path'. Select it and click 'edit'. Then add "; C:\Python34\Scripts; C:\Python34" without the quotation marks and including the starting semicolon, to the end of the text that's already. Hit save, re-start your command prompt and you're good to go! Alternatively, you can just replace 'pip' in the commands below with:

UPDATE: If you're using python2.7 the the commands above should use Python27 instead of Python34

Other OSs

Google how to change your Path variable. Then add /usr/local/bin/pip and /usr/local/bin to it. Alternatively, you can just replace 'pip' in the commands below with: /usr/local/bin/pip

Installing Pyglet

So now that we have pip installed we can now install a bunch of useful libraries by opening a command prompt and typing: pip install <package_name> i.e. pip install numpy

We're going to install pyglet for Python 3 by using the command:
pip install --upgrade

The reason the command is so long is that we're using a 'development' bit of code (i.e. code that hasn't been exhaustively tested yet). If we were in Python2.7 then we could just type pip install pyglet  but sadly that won't work here! Now wait a little while while the library downloads and installs for you and then you will be all good to go. 

Final note while the package installs

Think about what you've just done. If you successfully updated your path variable you have just taught your computer how to find and run a particular program from the command prompt. That will work the same for any executable program from your computer - you can run them all from the command line by either changing your Path variable or using the full program location. This turns out to be super useful if/when you end up using the command line a lot. And I say that knowing this is most people's reaction to using the command line:


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